Refugee Crisis, not an Immigration Crisis…

It’s unbelievable what this children have to go thru because they are left behind by their mothers. I dislike the fact that immigrants such like Enrique have to go thru beat downs, being robbed, stripped down from their belongings. It is sad  to me knowing that Enrique has tried so many times to get to the United States, and that all of those times he has to go thru so much. It’s unbelievable the strength, courage and determination Enrique has and all to be reunited with his mother.

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From my readings Nazario’s audience can be anyone interested in knowing more about the suffers and struggles this immigrants go thru with this crisis. I think her purpose for writing this book is not only for readers to know more about what immigrants go thru, but to also maybe get to the heart of this childrens mothers who leave them behind without knowing if they are doing them any good by risking their lives and leaving their cjildren behind. saying how Lourdes Enrique’s mother has to make the tough decision of leaving Enrique and his sister nehind with family members, and explaining how this children miss their mother and what Enrique has gone thru i believe explains my idea of Nazario’s purpose.


Rick Perry’s editorial is way different from the purpose of Enrique’s Journey because Perry only goes out to explaining what the money Obama asked for goes to and how that money should be spent on securing the borders. On the other hand, Nazario’s editorial is more similar to Enrique’s Journey because it shows similar stories to Enrique’s. Like the one from Cristian Omar Reyes an 11-year old who’s father was robbed and murdered by gangs while working as a security guard, and how her mother left him to go to Florida and promised him to send back for him, but she has not yet to do as she said.

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Nazario tome is one hundred percent right this crisis going on is not an immigration crisis its a refugee crisis. Many of these immigrant don”t come because they want to they risk their lives because they have to. The situation with gangs in Mexico and Central American countries is not the best at the moment. Police and even governors in those countries are corrupt and don’t do anything to protect their people instead they join the crime. This is why in my believe most of these immigrants and children come journeying to America.


About dee0126

i am 22 years old a mother of a baby boy and i currently work for tjmaxx
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